Train The Trainer
About The Course
A one- or (preferably) two-day training session to give participants some of the skills and confidence which are needed to deliver effective and enjoyable training sessions.
Target Group
Anyone who wishes to deliver some sort of training.
Venue and timings
Your own training room; we suggest 10.00am–4.30pm. Ideally there are two days of training, about a week apart, so that participants can plan a short training activity which can be delivered and evaluated on the second day.
Learning outcomes: by the end of Day One participants should:
- Be able to define the “4 Ps” of training (purpose, planning, preparation and practice)
- Have practiced ways of making everyone feel at ease, eg by learning their names
- Understand the importance of setting and sticking to ground rules
- Be able to explain how to build a rapport with the training participants
- Have explored some examples of good and poor practice in delivering training sessions
- Be able to explain how adult learning styles differ from the ways in which children learn
- Have practiced preparing and using a PowerPoint presentation
- Appreciate some basic group work skills: eg forming, storming, norming and performing
Learning outcomes: by the end of Day Two participants should:
- Have practiced using different audio-visual aids effectively (eg flipchart, whiteboard, video clips)
- Have explored some techniques for dealing with the “graveyard slot”
- Understand the importance of knowing the subject matter fully
- Be able to utilise some techniques for overcoming resistance
- Be able to list some contingency plans for when disaster strikes
- Have delivered a short training activity, and received feedback on it
- Have observed and evaluated the training activities of the other participants
- Understand the importance of ending the training session well
Training methods used
All of our training sessions are intended to be as interactive as possible. Participants are encouraged to ask questions, make comments and bring up their own issues. We use lots of different methods including quizzes, case studies, video clips and small group work as well as direct teaching. We want participants to leave the session saying “that was really enjoyable – and it was directly relevant to my working life.”