Empowering our community means sharing knowledge and understanding which is why we have created the Upskill Knowledge Hub.
The Knowledge Hub contains a variety of resources – podcasts, webinar recordings, guidance, policy briefings, research papers, ebooks and downloadable content on a wide variety of topics relating to the work we do.
Use the boxes on the left-hand side to select/filter what you are interested in looking at by topic and type.
Train the Trainer Aim A one- or (preferably) two-day training session to give participants some of the skills and confidence which are needed to deliver effective and enjoyable training sessions. Target Group Anyone who wishes to deliver some sort of training. Venue and timings Your own training room; we suggest 10.00am–4.30pm. Ideally there are two…
Team Building Aim Team Building sessions provide an opportunity for the team members to leave their normal working environment behind and focus on issues that are relevant to them as individuals and as team members. Team Building sessions can last for a half day, or a full day. The sessions can be one-off events, or…
Psychologically Informed Environments (PIE) Learn how to develop a psychologically informed environment. This course will look at the 5 key elements that make up a psychologically informed environment, as well as looking at how frontline staff can lead the change within their service and start their journey to becoming psychologically informed. Who is this course…
Professional Boundaries Training Staff understanding of professional boundaries can be a difficult area for organisations to manage. Any organisation that supports vulnerable people must ensure that the rights and interests of clients are respected and that the work undertaken by staff fully reflects the organisation’s ethos. If mistakes are made by staff the consequences can…
Motivational Interviewing & Support Develop your knowledge and skills to enable you to positively engage with the people you support, and to help them make real and sustainable changes in their lives. This course merges the counselling and communication principles of motivational interviewing with the practicalities of delivering support to help clients achieve their goals. Who is this course…
Managing Vicarious Trauma Course description This course is designed to help professionals understand and identify vicarious trauma – the dynamics and psychological issues arising from work with victims of violence. Support is given to address the issues with the client and to promote strategies for self-care, highlighting the appropriate use of supervision and debriefing. It…
Lone Working, Personal Safety and Breakaway The Management of Actual and Potential Aggression (MAPA*) Any organisation that supports vulnerable people must ensure that the rights and interests of clients are respected and that the work undertaken by staff fully reflects the organisation’s ethos. At the same time ensure staff feel protected and supported especially when…
Legal Highs Training Course / Novel Psychoactive Substances Legal Highs Training Course The term ‘novel psychoactive substances’ (NPS) refers to newly available drugs that mimic the effects of traditional illegal drugs such as cannabis, ecstasy and cocaine. They are often referred to as ‘legal highs’. Course description This one-day legal highs training course focuses on…
Knife Crime and Serious Youth Violence Training (For Professionals) It’s important that we, as professionals, understand what we can do to promote their welfare and safeguard them from potential harm. This Knife Crime and Serious Youth Violence course aims to help increase your knowledge of the subject so that you feel confident in recognising abuse,…
Introduction To Facilitation This workshop will help you gain practical tools and give you tips to improve the facilitation of your meetings, training sessions, and events. It will provide you with an introduction to facilitation, enabling participants to understand the role of the facilitator and practice a range of facilitation skills and techniques. Learning outcomes:…
How technology is used to abuse and protect young people experiencing VAWG Course Description This one day course will provide an overview of the different ways technology is used to abuse young people. Participants will learn how technology can impact on young people’s emotional and physical well being; including online grooming, sexting and internet safety….
Gangs, Serious Youth Violence (SYV) and Child Crime Exploitation (CCE) Awareness (1 Day Course) Aim: This course enables professionals to develop a solid understanding of serious youth violence, knife crime, gangs and exploitation through county lines. Throughout the training, you will be encouraged and supported to consider how your own practice can best address and…